So here we are, I'm writing when, perhaps, I should be working, but at least this is more productive than playing Zuma Blitz on Facebook, isn't it? Anyhow, I've come to a conclusion about the New Year. It's not a New Year's resolution because, well, I don't make those. Those are for people that enjoy committing to something and only following through for a brief period of time... and while I'll admit I've never been very good at that whole following through part, I don't enjoy it. So here it is. I'm going on a meat binge in January, and going pescatarian for the rest of the year. I went Veg a while ago, and it really wasn't that hard. So I figured I'd try it again, this time for a whole year, in hopes that by the time my year is up, I'll be meat free for good. Also, the last time I went veg, I had an easier time losing weight.
Which brings me to my second conclusion. I'm fat. While I'll be the first to acknowledge that's not a conclusion and rather, simply, a statement of fact, this is the first time where I'm actually quite serious about doing something about it. I tried to be serious and committed to the idea of losing weight in the early spring of last year, I became severely unmotivated when I met Frank, and well, I just stopped. Now, it's nearly 2011 and I weigh the most I've ever weighed. But I found a pair of jeans I used to fit into, and I remember my ass looking fabulous. So the goal is to fit into those by my birthday. If that happens, we'll continue from there. Plus Frank's younger sister is getting married, and while I'm not in the wedding, I'd like to look good at the wedding, duh!
So for now, know that I will be attempting to cook a new recipe once each week, bake something new at least twice a month, and work out somewhere in between. I'll never forget to have fun, so let's keep this in mind... "
Sounds like you have a good plan. Good Luck!!